Want to become a member?
You can enjoy advantages and collaborate with the economy
ecological, circular and zero kilometer of the territory.

Individuals or families who become members may collect orders at the Cooperative or at a partner store. You can also become a member of a Consumer group in your town and city and pick up the orders at their local. As a private member, you must make a payment of initial capital of € 50.

Partner Company / Group
Currently, and to give way to the volume of food produced by the peasantry,we serve large consumers:restaurants, shops, consumption groups, school canteens, residences, etc. To join you need to make a subscription of initial capital of € 100..

Producer partner
We work side-by-side with local producers and processors who look after the quality of their products and for sustainable, environmentally friendly production. Strengthen the distribution network by valuing the work of peasants and producers, sharing resources and collective tasks, in order to reduce the cost of the product to the consumer without harming the producers. To become a member, a € 100 initial share capital payment must be made..
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